- muschi de vitã, ruccola, parmezan, otet balsamic, lãmâie
- marha bélszín, rukkola, parmezán, balzsamecet, citrom
- beefsteak, ruccola, parmezan, balsamic vinegar, lemon
- muschi de vitã, condimente, legume
- zöldségekfuszerek, bélszín, marha
- beefsteak, spices, vegetables
- prosciutto crudo, pepene, focaccia
- prosciutto crudo, sárgadinnye, focaccia
- prosciutto crudo, melon, focaccia
- mozarella, rosii, busuioc, ulei de mãsline
- mozarella, paradicsom, bazsalikom, olivaolaj
- mozarella, tomato, basil, olive oil
- pâine prãjitã, ciuperci hribe, cascaval
- pirított kenyér, vargányagomba, sajt
- toast, mushrooms, cheese
- mãmãligutã, brânzâ burduf si vacã, jumãri
- puliszka, juhtúró, tehéntúró, teperto
- polenta, peasant cheese, greaves
- ouã, suncã/ciuperci/cârnati, condimente
- tojás, sonka/gomba/kolbász, fuszerek
- eggs, ham/mushrooms/sausage, spices
- suncã, slãninã afumatã, jumãri, cârnati afumat
- sonka, füstölt szalonna, teperto, füstölt kolbász
- ham, bacon, greaves, sausage
- muschi de vitã, ceafã la grãtar, piept pui la grãtar, cartofi steak,legume grill, rizi-bizi
- marha bélszín, roston sült tarja, csirkemell, steak burgonya,grillezett zöldségek, rizi-bizi
- beefsteak, grilled skruff, grilled chicken breast, steak potatoes,
grilled vegetales, rizi-bizi
- pulpã de gâscã, ciolan afumat, muschi de vitã, cartofi tãrãnesti
- libacomb, füstölt csülök, marha bélszín, hagymás tört burgonya
- leg of goose, smoke-dried spare rib, beefsteak, potatoes
- ciuperci umplute, conopidã pane, vinete pane, cas afumat la grãtar,legume la grãtar, orez cu legume
- töltött gomba, panírozott karfiol és padlizsán, grillezett zöldségek,
grillezett füstölt sajt, rizs zöldségekkel
- stuffed mushrooms, fried cauliflower and aubergine, grilled smoke-
dried cheese, grilled vegetables, rice with vegetables
- salãu Orly, pangasius pane, somn la grãtar, pogãcele somn,cartofi cu maionezã, orez cu legume, gãluste cu ou
- Orly süllo, panírozott pangásziusz, harcsapogácsák,
grillezett harcsa, majonézes burgonya, rizs zöldségekkel, tojásos nokedli
- Orly bass, fried pangasius, grilled catfish, catfish cake, potatoes
with mayonnaise, rice with vegetables, noodles
- vinete cu maionezã, zacuscã, cremã de brânzã de vacã, cremã jumãri
- majonézes padlizsán, zakuszka, tehéntúró krém, teperto krém
- aubergine with mayonnaise, zacusca, cheese paste, greaves paste
- vinete cu maionezã, cremã de brânzã, jumãri
- majonézes padlizsán, túrókrém, teperto
- aubergine with mayonnaise, cheese paste, greaves
- cas pane, ciuperci umplute cu brânzã burduf, ciuperci pane
- panírozott sajt, juhtúróval töltött gomba, panírozott gomba
- fried cheese, mushrooms stuffed with rustic cheese, fried mushrooms
- prosciutto crudo, salam italian, ceafã afumatã, mixt brânzeturi, focaccio
- prosciutto crudo, olasz szalámi, füstölt tarja, sajtfélék, focaccio
- prosciutto crudo, italian salami, smoke-dried scruff,cheese mix, focaccio
Preparate din peÅŸte
- somn grill cu cartofi pai
- grillezett harcsa, hasábburgonya
- grilled catfish, french fries
- papricas de somn cu gãluste
- harcsapaprikás nokedlivel
- catfish stew with noodles
- pãstrãv la grãtar cu pireu de cartofi
- roston sült pisztráng burgonyapürével
- grilled trout with mashed potatoes
- biban de mare la cuptor cu legume la cuptor si mujdei
- tengeri sügér sült zöldségekkel, fokhagymapáccal
- roasted sea bass with vegetables, garlic sauce
- pogãcele somn, sos alb, salatã verde
- harcsa pogácsa, fehér szósz, fejes saláta
- catfish cake, white sauce, lettuce
- grilled fish, roasted vegetables (pepper, aubergine, marrow, potatoes)
- grillezett hal, sült zöldségek (paprika, padlizsán, tök, burgonya)
- grilled fish, roasted vegetables (pepper, aubergine, marrow, potatoes)
- pãstrãv traditional la grãtar cu mãmãligutã
- roston sült pisztráng puliszkával
- grilled trout with polenta
- salãu picant cu lãsti cu brânzã
- pikáns süllo túrós metélttel
- spicy perch and noodles with cheese
- pangasius pane cu cartofi natur
- panírozott pangásziusz natúr burgonyával
- pangasius with breadcrumb, potatoes
- creveti la grãtar cu legume (broccoli, conopidã, morcovi, ardei),
cartofi cu rozmarin
- roston sült garnélarák zöldségekkel (brokkoli, karfiol, sárgarépa, paprika),
rozmaringos burgonya
- grilled shrimp with vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, pepper),
potatoes with rosemary
- somon la grãtar, sos ciuperci, cartofi la cuptor
- roston sült lazac, gombaszósz, kemencés burgonya
- grilled salmon, mushroom sauce, fried potatoes
- calamari pane cu cartofi prãjiti
- panírozott tintahal hasábburgonyával
- calamary with breadcrumb and french fries
- somon la grãtar cu legume, cartofi cu rozmarin
- roston sült lazac zöldségekkel, rozmaringos burgonya
- grilled salmon with vegetables, potatoes with rosemary
- somon , ceapã verde, ulei de mãsline, lãmâie, pâine prãjitã
- lazac , zöldhagyma, olivaolaj, citrom, pirított kenyér
- salmon filet, green onion, olive oil, lemon, toast
- salãu la grãtar cu amestec mexican
- roston sült süllo mexikói keverékkel
- grilled bass with mexican mix
Preparate din pasăre
- piept de pui picant învelit în bacon, cartofi aurii, sos chivas
- baconbe tekert pikáns csirkemell, aranyburgonya, snidlinges szósz
- spicy chicken breast twined round with bacon, fried potatoes, chivas sauce
34 RON- piept de pui învelit în bacon, catofi aurii, sos chivas
- baconba tekert csirkemell, aranyburgonya, snidlinges mártás
- chicken breast twinwd round with bacon, fried potatoes, chivas sauce
32 RON- piept de pui pane, mancare de spanac
- panírozott csirkemell, spenót
- chicken breast with breadcrumb, spinach
24 RON- piept de pui la grãtar cu cartofi pai
- roston sült csirke mell hasábburgonyával
- grilled chicken breast with french fries
24 RON- piept de pui, porumb tânãr pane, cartofi pai
- csirkemell, panírozott bébikukorica, hasábburgonya
- chicken breast, baby corn with breadcrumb, french fries
26 RON- piept de pui la grãtar, sos de fructe exotice, cartofi steak
- roston sült csirkemell, exotikus gyümölcs mártással, steak burgonya
- grilled chicken breast, exotic fruits, fried potatoes
28 RON- aripioare crocante, cartofi pai
- ropogós csirkeszárny, hasábburgonya
- crunchy chicken wings, french fries
22 RON- piept de pui umplut cu cascaval condimentat, cartofi piure, salata asortata
- füszeres sajttal töltött csirkemell, burgonyapüré, friss vegyes saláta
- chicken breast stuffed with chesse, smashed potatoes, mixt salad
30 RON- file din piept de pui, orez, sos chilly
- csirkemellfillé, rizs, chilly szósz
- chicken breast filet, rice, chilly sauce
24 RON- piept de pui la grãtar cu rozmarin, cartofi piure, sos cu mãrar
- rozmaringos grillezett csirkemell, burgonyapüré, kapor mártás
- grilled chicken breast with rosemary, smashed potatoes, dill sauce
32 RON- piept de pui pane, cartofi piure, sos de piper verde
- panírozott csirkemell, burgonyapüré, zöldbors mártás
- chicken breast, smashed potatoes, green pepper sauce
28 RON- ficãtei de pui, mãmãliguta
- csirkemáj pörkölt, puliszka
- chicken liver stew, polenta
20 RON- papricas de pui, gãluste
- csirke paprikás nokedlivel
- chicken stew with noodles
25 RON- piept de pui pane, cartofi pai, salata asortata
- panírozott csirkemell, hasábburgonya, friss vegyes saláta
- chicken breast with breadcrumb, french fies, mixt salad
28 RONgordon bleu de pui, cartofi piure
- csirkegordon, buronyapüré
- chicken gordon bleu, smashed potatoes
28 RON- tocãnitã fudulii de cocos, gãluste cu ou
- kakashere pörkölt, tojásos nokedlivel
- rooster's ball stew, noodles
34 RON- tocãnita pipotã pui, lãsti cu brânazã
- zuza pörkölt túrós laskával
- chicken gizzard stew and noodles with cheese
30 RON- piept de curcan umplut cu cascaval Roquefort, piure de cartofi
- Roquefort sajttal töltött pulykamell, burgonyapüré
- turkey breast stufed with Roquefort chesse, smashed potatoes
28 RON- piept de curcan învelit în bacon umplut cu ficat de gascã, cartofi aurii
- baconba göngyölt pulykamell libamájjal töltve, arany burgonya
- turkey breast with bacon stuffed with goose liver, fried potatoes
45 RON- piept de curcan steak, tagliatelle cu ciuperci hribe
-pulykamell steak, vargánya gombas tagliatelle
- grilled turkey breast, tagliatelle with mushrooms
38 RON- ficat de gâscã pane, orez cu legume
- panírozott libamáj, zöldséges rizs
- goose liver with breadcrumb, rice with vegetables
68 RON- steak de curcan, salata fitness
- pulykamell steak, fitness saláta
- grilled turkey breast, fitness salad
32 RON- ficat de gâscã la grãtar, ghiveci de legume, cartofi chips
- roston sült libamáj, lecsós chipsburgonyával
- grilled goose liver, hotchpotch, chips potatoes
65 RON- ficat de gâscã la grãtar, rondele de ceapã prãjita, piure de cartofi
- roston sült libamáj, lioni hagyma, burgonyapüré
- grilled goose liver, roasted onion rings, smashed potatoes
- snitel de porc, cartofi pai
- rántott szelet, hasábburgonya
- porc schnitzel, french fries
26 RON- snitel de porc cu cascaval, cartofi pai, salata asortata
- párizsi szelet sajttal, hasábburgonya, friss vegyes saláta
- pork schnitzel with cheese, french fries, salad
32 RON- cotlet de porc învelit in cartofi rãzuiti, crochete de cartofi
- karaj burgonyás bundában tejföllel és sajttal, burgonya krokettel
- porc chop in potato crust served with sourcream and chesse, potato crocket
28 RON- cotlet de porc umplut cu cascaval si suncã, cartofi pai, salata asortata
- sertés karaj sonkávl és sajtal töltve, hasábburgonya, friss vegyes saláta
- porc stuffed with ham and chesse, french fries, salad
32 RON- cotlet de porc la grãtar, piure de cartofi
- roston sült karaj, burgonyapüré
- grilled porc chop, smashed potatoes
26 RON- cotlet de porc pane, sos de ciuperci, cartofi pai
- panírozott karaj, gomba szósz, hasábburgonya
- proc with breadcrumb, mushroom sauce, french fries
32 RON- cotlet de porc la grãtar, sos de ciuperci, gãluste
- sertéskaraj roston, gombapaprikás, nokedli
- grilled porc chop, mushroom sauce, noodles